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Natural Graphite Powder and Flakes

Natural Graphite Powder and Flakes

Graphite and diamonds are the only two naturally formed polymers of carbon. Graphite is essentially a two-dimensional, planar crystal structure whereas diamonds are a three-dimensional structure. Graphite is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and has the highest natural strength and stiffness of any material.

It maintains its strength and stability to temperatures in excess of 3,600°C and is very resistant to chemical attack. At the same time, it is one of the lightest of all reinforcing agents and has high natural lubricity.

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Graphite is an allotrope of carbon, similar to diamond. It displays a hexagonal crystalline form and is grey/black in color. Graphite offers high thermal resistance, with a melting point of about 3,927 degrees Celsius. It is the most thermally and electrically conductive of non-metals whilst also being a very good lubricant. Graphite is chemically inert and has a high resistance to corrosion.

There are three distinct types of natural graphite that occur in different kinds of ore deposits. Graphite is characterized by the mode of formation which leads to these physically distinct common varieties: amorphous, vein and flake. Amorphous (micro-crystalline) graphite has a carbon content of 70-85%, high crystalline graphite (vein, lump or crystalline vein) has a carbon content of 90-99% and flake graphite has a carbon range of 80-98%.


Carbon steel forging, Lithium-ion batteries, Crucibles, Refractory bricks, Brake pads, dry cell batteries, Lubricants, Casings for electronics, Sporting equipment, Pencils


Fixed carbon from 75% to 99.5% with grain size from 35 mesh to 3000 mesh depending on the application industry.